EVERYONE who races at Lake Doucette Motor Speedway, should be fully aware of all track procedure, before setting foot in the pit, to practice or race. This is where you will find all of the pertinent information required to race at L.D.M.S.
South West Stock Car Association
2024 Track Procedures
- Flag Man:
1.1 The Flag Man is responsible for the enforcement of Flag usage and Track procedures. The flag man is directed by the race director.
1.2 Foul language or obscene gestures towards the Flagman or any other Official will not be tolerated and may result in disqualification or suspension.
1.3 Anyone disobeying or ignoring a Flag or the Flag Man may be disqualified for the rest of that Race and will not be awarded any points for that Race.
- Race Director:
2.1 The Race Director is responsible for all track procedures and has final call on all decisions made or not made. The race director will not be over ruledby other officials or the executive committee.
2.2 Drivers not following instructions may be disqualified.
2.3 Race Director has authority to DQ a Driver.
2.4 Race Director may or may not call for a “cool down lap”
- Pace Car:
3.1 When on the Track, all Drivers must follow the exact same driving line as the Pace Car unless otherwise directed by the Pace Car Driver or other Officials.
3.2When a Driver is coming out of the Pit Area and the Pace Car is approaching turn 3, the Driver coming from the Pit must wait until all the cars have passed by unless otherwise directed by the Pace Car Driver or other Officials.

- Flags:
Racing Flags & Meanings
4.1 Green Flag:
- Will be used to start or restart all Races.
- All cars will remain at pace car speed and side by side until they reach the start line, and the green flag is thrown.
- No switching lanes is allowed until the Green Flag is waived and cars have crossed the Start Line.
- Cars re-entering the track from the pit area under Green Flag conditions, must do so in a safe manner. They must allow the other cars to pass safely and remain on the low side of the Track until they are up to speed and can safely blend in with the remainder of the field.
4.2 Yellow Flag: (caution)
- During a Caution all cars must gradually slow down to a Pace Car speed and fall into single file behind the Pace Car until the Line Up has been established by the Flag Man.
- Will be used when cars need to be slowed down to remove disabled cars or to clean debris off the Track. At this time all cars on the Track must fall into single file and follow the same driving line as the Pace Car unless otherwise directed by the Pace Car Driver or other Officials.
- If a Yellow Flag is waived before One Lap of a Race is complete, the original line up will be used to re-start the Race but the Driver/Drivers involved in the Caution will go to the back of the Line Up.
- If a Yellow Flag is waived during a Race where the cars have completed one or more Laps, they will be lined up as they crossed the Start/Finish line on the last completed lap, however, the Driver/Drivers involved in the Caution will go to the back of the Line Up.
- Anyone caught not “lifting” or racing to the Start/Finish line during a caution will go to the back of the Line Up.
f. Any driver caught intentionally hitting another car during a caution will be disqualified for the rest of that Race and will not be awarded any points for that Race.
g. Drivers going to pit during a caution go to the back of the field when re-entering the Track.
h. Any Driver intentionally sitting idle on the Track to purposely cause a Caution will be put to the back of the Line Up and down one full Lap.
i.If the same driver causes 3 cautions during 1 race they will receive a rolled up Black Flag warning. 4th in the same Race is a disqualification.
j. Initial cars involved in a caution go to the back, other cars that inadvertently make contact trying to avoid the said caution, may not necessarily have to go to the back.
- Black with Red Circle Inside
a.This flagwill be used to wave a car into the Pit area needing repairs.After repairs have been satisfactorily taken care of, the car/driver may return to the race, by entering the track and staying low until they are up to speed and can safely blend in with the remainder of the field.
b. Ignoring this flag, could result in a black flag.
4.4 Black Flag:
a.A rolled up Black Flag pointed at a car is a warning.
b. An open Black flag waved at a driver indicates disqualification from that race.
c. A Driver will receive one rolled up black warning. If the warning is ignored, the next flag thrown will be an open black and the car must leave the track immediately with no points being awarded for that Race.
d. If a Driver receives 2 Black Flag disqualifications in one Race Day, that driver may be disqualified for the rest of the Race day or longer.
- Red flag:
- Will be displayed when the Race has to stop immediately at which time all cars will come to a gradual and safe stop. In Red Flag situations, the restart Line Up will be determined from the last completed Lap.
- Any driver caught intentionally hitting another car during a Red Flag situation will be disqualified for the rest of that Day and will not be awarded any points for that Day.
- White flag:
- Indicates the leader has started the final Lap ofthe Race. All other cars will be shown the White Flag to indicate their final Lap regardless of how many Laps they have completed.
- Checkered flag:
- Indicates the completion of the race.
Crossed Flags: Indicates the half way point of a Race.
Track Procedures When an Accident or Roll Over Occurs
- Shut off your engine/ use kill switch.
- If you are ok, Drop your window net.
- If you are not ok, DO NOT drop window net, wait for help to arrive.
- In the case of a roll over, DO NOT remove your seat belt until help arrives.
- The designated safety person will ask you a series of questions to determine the level of assistance needed.
- The safety person will signal for the help he/she needs.
- NO ONE in the pit should run onto the track, unless or until the safety person signals for you to do so.
- During RED FLAG conditions, drivers will be instructed to park on the track, completely opposite of the accident.
- During RED FLAG conditions, parked drivers are allowed to receive water from one crew member.
- If medical staff determine that the individual must go to the hospital, that decision is final, and failure to comply will result in a penalty.
- When practicing after hours or on non-race days when the track is closed, all drivers must be registered members of the South West Stock Car Association. They must have paid their dues, and EVERYONE in the pit area must have a signed e-waiver.
- All drivers must treat their practice time as if it were a regular race day. They must be race ready, and wearing ALL of the safety gear required to race on a regular race day. This includes a race suit, race shoes, race gloves, a helmet and neck restraint. For specifications see class rules.
- All gear must be put on properly, and securely fastened.
- No one should ever practice alone. There MUST be at least one person with you at all times before heading onto the track.
- Window net must be up while practicing.
- ONE CAR is allowed on the track at a time. As soon as two cars are on the track, this becomes a race, and requires medical staff on site, a flag man, and officials. This time is allowed to test and tune your car. It is not for racing. If this rule is not followed, we will be forced to book test and tune appointments when track officials are available to govern this.
- The gate is to be closed and locked when you are done.
Any social media posts that are deemed detrimental to the sport, Lake Doucette Motor Speedway, The South West Stock Car Association, track sponsors, other racers and/or track staff will not be tolerated!
Posts that the committee/track officials deem to be detrimental, abusive, and/or in poor taste will be dealt with in accordance to the following policy. The policy applies to all teams associated with Lake Doucette Motor Speedway including but not limited to drivers, crew members, family members and car owners.
The first occurrence will see the author formally told to cease and desist and placed on probation.
A second occurrence will see the author and/or their respective team suspended for three race days.
Further suspensions, up to and including suspension for season, could result in the event the posts do not stop.
A. Any driver, who in the opinion of officials, intentionally hits another car after the Race is over may be disqualified.
B. Any Driver disqualified during or after a Race will not be awarded points for that Race.
C. Slower cars should stay on the LOW side of the Track to allow faster cars to go by safely.
D. Legitimate Race Day disputes may be brought to the Executive Committee no earlier than 3 days after Race Day.
E. Drivers 14-16 years of age must have the written consent of a parent/guardian to participate in any racing done at LDMS. They must fill out the e-waiver EVERY RACE DAY.
F. Any Board Member or Race Official can ask people for ID at any time.
G. Nobody under the age of 14 is permitted in the Pit Area at any time, which includes any intermissions. They may enter after all racing has been completed for the day.
H. Nobody under the age of 14 is permitted to operate any vehicle on Lake Doucette Motor Speedway property at anytime.
I. Anyone that brings a person under the age of 14 years in the Pit will be held accountable for the infraction which may result in loss of points and/or disqualification for the Driver they are associated with.
J. The Executive Committee has the authority to request a Driver produce written documentation from a Medical Doctor stating that he/she can be in a Stock Car under Racing conditions without causing harm to themselves or others because of their potential Medical condition.
K. Rookies must have yellow tape or paint on the back bumper of their car visible to the Drivers behind them.
L. Drivers not Racing either of the 2 heats and going in the Feature will automatically go to the back of the Line Up.
M. Drivers that only Race in 1 Heat will be lined up for the Feature according to total Points received that day.
N. Drivers giving up their position in any Line Up will automatically go to the back.
O. Cars will line up on pit road single file. They will enter onto the track single file, and they will only cross up when they are told to by the race director. If a car drops out of line after the cars are crossed up, that line will only move ahead one position, cars will not switch lanes.
P. Deadline for calling off a Race Day due to Weather will be at 11:00 A.M. on Race Day.
Q. There will not be Races held on both “Summer Holidays”
(Canada Day & Labour Day)
R. Cancelled Race Days will be made up the following Sunday unless it falls on Canada Day, at which time it will be made up later in the Season.
S. Physical abuse will not be tolerated and the perpetrator will be DQ
and/or Suspended for an amount of time to be determined by the committee.
T. Verbal abuse towards any Official may result in Disqualification.
U. Race Radios (Receivers) are mandatory and must be maintained by the driver and must be used while under Racing conditions. This includes all heats, features, points and non points Races, and practices. Failure to follow instructions may result in disqualification and loss of points.
V. Drivers that had a parking spot in the previous year
have first choice on a spot the following year. Parking spots must be paid no later than the Spring General Meeting or they will forfeit the spot.
W. Any free spots, Sportsman cars get first option, then V8 Stock, then 4 cylinders.
X.New parking spots may be made with Committee Approval.
Y. All cars must come off the Track in turn 4 for all Races.
Z. At the end of each Race, all cars must exit the tack, except the winner, who will be granted a victory lap with the checkered flag. At the end of a feature race, 2nd and 3rd place winners should stop in victory lane (between turn 1 and 2), while the winner does his victory celebration and then joins them in victory lane. The top 3 cars must go to tech immediately following the victory lane celebrations. Failure to go to tech immediately after victory lane feature, will result in disqualification from that race.
AA. Penalty for unsportsmanlike conduct on or off the Track on Race Day eg. Making a spectacle of themselves, dangerous operation of a car on the Track or in the Pit, Foul language aimed at an Official, Obscene gestures towards Officials etc. may lead to DQ or suspension.
BB. No interaction, arguments with, or gestures toward tow truck drivers, first aid attendants, safety crews, officials, or other track personnel will be tolerated and may lead to disqualification or suspension.
CC. Other than Officials, nobody is permitted in the Observation Tower on Race Days unless invited.
DD. Drivers will be held accountable for the conduct of all persons signed in on their car.
Technical Section
A.All Tech is at the discretion of the Tech person.
B.Drivers can practice on Race Day before going through Tech, but ALL Cars must go through and pass Tech before Racing.
No Exceptions.
C.Tech will start on Race Day at 9:00 AM and will continue throughout the day when warranted but will be closed during any Drivers meetings. Drivers must bring their own Car through Tech for a Pre-Race check, complete with all Safety Gear and other equipment that has to be used while under Racing conditions. Drivers should have 1 other person with them while going through Tech.
D.Cars that fail Pre-Race Tech may go back to their Pit to correct the problem.
E.Top 3 Finishers of all Feature Races must go through Tech immediately following the victory lane celebration. They must not open their hoods or make any adjustments prior to going to tech. Failure to go directly to tech, or if they are caught opening the hood or making adjustments before going to tech, will result in disqualification and loss of trophy and points.
F.Although the Driver must bring the Car to Tech after finishing in the Top 3 of a Feature Race, the actual act of driving the vehicle onto the Tech Pad can be done by another person.
G.Cars failing Tech after a Feature Race will be disqualified and the Driver will lose their points for the Day and will have to forfeit their Cheque & Trophy.
H.Although Cars may or may not have to go through Tech on non point Race Days (example: Fun Day) all cars must use the same equipment as they do for Points Races throughout the Season.
I.When a new or unknown car comes to Race at LDMS, it must be determined what Class that Car should be Raced in.
The Executive Committee will appoint at least 2 qualified people to make that determination. Once they designate a Class for the Car to be in, they will go to Tech and tell them what Class it’s in. At that point the Car can go through Tech and if it passes the car can be Registered and Raced.
J. Tech has the right to ask to look into a motor or anything car related.We reserve the right to make a driver tear down their motor to check it. Committee will decide on this.
Points System
Heat Races
- 1st = 10 points
- 2nd = 9 points
- 3rd = 8 points
- 4th = 7 points
- 5th = 6 points
- 6th = 5 points
- 7th = 4 points
- 8th = 3 points
- 9th = 2 points
- 10th and beyond = 1 point
Feature Races
- 1st = 20 points
- 2nd = 18 points
- 3rd = 17 points
- 4th = 16 points
- 5th = 15 points
- 6th = 14 points
- 7th = 13 points
- 8th = 12 points
- 9th = 11 points
- 10th = 10 points
- 11th = 9 points
- 12th = 8 points
- 13th = 7 points
- 14th = 6 points
- 15th = 5 points
- 16th = 4 points
- 17th = 3 points
- 18th = 2 points
- 19thand beyond = 1 point
In the event of a tie in points, the winning position will go to the driver with the most Feature Wins. If that does not break the tie, it will be decided by Heat Wins. If the tie is still not broken, it will be decided by Second Place Feature wins, and so on.
Set frequency Nitro Bee Single Channel UHF Race Receiver
LDMS/ SWSCA Frequency 450.9000
Make sure unit is turned off.
Hold on/off & enter button down at least 4 seconds until unit turns on.
Tap on/off button until screen says P2-0
Use volume buttons to change frequency up or down.
When you have the frequency you want, tap Enter once to save.
Press and hold on/off button at least 4 seconds to turn unit off.
Press and hold on/off button at least 4 seconds to turn unit on.